To meet some old requests, we decided to release an infinite lives version to you! It’s been about 15 years since we released it first, and it’s a challenging game, so now you may have a chance to complete it!
We may not be able to fix any bugs you report, because Dark Basic Pro is no longer among us, but we may have a copy that still runs on an ancient computer somewhere. 😀
Go get it on the download page!
What else is new? We haven’t died or something, but we’ve been busy with other things. Marco with studies, work and science and me with life, work and trying to change my thoughts about remakes. I’ve been looking at Unreal Engine 4 and Unity. Even did some project using Scratch! Highnoon is almost complete in Scratch, how’s that for a laugh? We will release something new, in the near future, which can be withing 10 years or so…
We’ll keep you updated…
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